Sunday Soccer (Fall) Fall Sundays 2023
In the Fall season, Sunday Soccer is free for all players, and continues to offer a chance for players to kick the ball around with friends and make new ones. Sunday Soccer is a great way for newcomers to see what the Strikers are all about in a relaxed and fun environment and we welcome players of all experiences/skill levels.
The 2024 Fall Sunday season returns on Sunday, September 8 and continues through October 27 (skipping PTown weekend on Oct. 13). Games will be played at Madison Park in Boston (2 Madison Park Ct), 2pm - 4pm. Register below to stay informed about practices (such as for weather updates), but registration not required!
Sept. 10, 2023 - Oct. 30, 2023
8 games of
120 minutes
Madison Park
Boston Strikers –