New York Indoor Classic New York Indoor Classic 2024

The New York Indoor Classic is an annual indoor soccer tournament hosted by our sister club, the New York Ramblers. The tournament has grown from a few smaller teams from around New England to teams traveling in from around the world. It is a competitive and exciting tournament and we can't wait to see all of our old friends and make some new ones this year.

The Indoor Classic will be played on Saturday, March 30 at a location TBD. The tournament is a highly competitive and demanding day of soccer lasting from noon into the evening. Teams will face off against each other in a round robin, and then be sorted into two divisions based on their performance. Games are 5v5 (including goalies). Each team will play a minimum of seven 13-minute games.

More than just soccer, the fun-filled weekend will also include a Registration Party on Friday night, an after-party Saturday night, and the (in)famous mimosa-filled brunch on Sunday morning/afternoon. More information (from the previous tournament) here:

Interested in playing? Register your interest below. The Strikers plan to field at least one competitive team in New York. If more than eleven players register (the maximum per team), the Board may split the players into teams based on skill level, team cohesion, position availability, and participation in the Strikers leagues; the Board also reserves the right to hold tryouts or find another fair method of assessment if necessary.

March 29, 2024 - April 1, 2024
7 games of 13 minutes
New York City
Boston Strikers –
Registration Closed
Registration closed 03/20/2024 11 p.m.