Sunday Soccer (Fall) Fall Sundays 2022

In the Fall season, Sunday Soccer is free for all players, and continues to offer a chance for players to kick the ball around with friends and make new ones. Sunday Soccer is a great way for newcomers to see what the Strikers are all about in a relaxed and fun environment and we welcome players of all experiences/skill levels.

The 2023 Fall Sunday season returns on Sunday, September 10 and continues through October 29 (skipping PTown weekend on Oct. 8). Games will be played at Madison Park in Boston (2 Madison Park Ct), 2pm - 4pm. Register below if you want to tell us that you are coming, but registration not required!

Sept. 11, 2022 - Oct. 31, 2022
8 games of 120 minutes
Madison Park
Boston Strikers –
Registration Closed
Registration closed 10/30/2022 noon